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Archive for the ‘Dentists’ Category

Why You Get White Spots on Your Teeth (and How to Get Rid of Them)

Why You Get White Spots on Your Teeth (and How to Get Rid of Them)


Do you have white spots on your teeth? We’ll describe what they are, why they develop, and how you can get rid of them with a dentist’s help.


Causes of White Spots


White spots occur for different reasons, including the following.…

What Is a Tooth Abscess and What Can You Do About It?

What Is a Tooth Abscess and What Can You Do About It?


How do you know if you have a tooth abscess? In this post, we’ll describe what a tooth abscess is and let you know what to do if you have one.


Definition of a Tooth Abscess


A tooth abscess is caused by a bacterial infection.…

Everything You Need to Know about Dental Sealants

Everything You Need to Know about Dental Sealants


Are you looking for a convenient way to prevent cavities from developing? Dental sealants may be right for you.


In this post, we’ll tell you how they work and who can benefit from them.…

More Than Bad Breath: Health Problems Associated with Halitosis

More Than Bad Breath: Health Problems Associated with Halitosis


If you have bad breath, don’t just ignore it or try to cover it up – in some cases, it can be the sign of a serious medical condition. Keep reading to learn which diseases can be indicated by bad breath and how a knowledgeable dentist can help you address them.…

Top Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal

Top Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal


Root canal. Are there two words in the English language that are more cringeworthy?


No one likes to imagine their dentist going into the roots of their teeth to remove infected parts and then reshaping the root canals, but sometimes it needs to be done.…