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Posts Tagged ‘Cosmetic Dentist’

Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive-Teeth-300x300When you breathe in cold air, do your teeth ache? Similar to a “brain freeze” but a “tooth freeze”? Too many people suffer from sensitive teeth and don’t even realize that places like South Florida Dental Care have good solutions.…

These Aren’t Your Grandmother’s Dentures Anymore


During our grandparent’s and even our parent’s generation, they had few options for saving teeth that were chipped, missing or unhealthy. Dentists had to pull their teeth and dentures were the only option.…

Cosmetic Bonding for Rebuilding and Repairing Teeth

If you have chipped or broken teeth that are in need of repair, a Pembroke Pines cosmetic dentist can usually resolve the issue efficiently by using dental bonding methods to repair your tooth.…

Smile Solutions

Discolored or stained teeth can have an extremely detrimental effect on your self-confidence. Fortunately, your Hollywood, FL cosmetic dentist can offer a variety of solutions to assist you in rectifying the situation, from teeth whitening techniques to the use of dental bonding and many options in between.…